Orange County Bar Association-Lawyer Referral Service (L.R.I.S.)

The only non-profit legal referral service in Orange County sponsored by the OCBA, it has been referring callers to some of Orange County’s finest attorneys for over 50 years.

California Courts Divorce and Separation Information

Find general information here on the California Courts site about ending a marriage or registered domestic partnership.  Sections on Divorce, dissolution, annulments, and more.

Online Bill Pay

Use our secure system to make a credit card payment online.


Superior Court of California -Orange County Family Law Center

The Family Law Unit handles cases in which people are ending a marriage or registered domestic partnership, identifying a child’s legal parents, determining custody and visitation issues, establishing or enforcing child and spousal support, dealing with domestic violence issues, adoptions, and termination of parental rights.

California Department of Child Support Services

Works with parents – custodial and noncustodial – and guardians to ensure children and families receive court-ordered financial and medical support. Child support services are available to the general public through a network of 48 county and regional child support agencies (LCSAs).

Joint Custody Schedules

Overview of the specifics of joint custody, with several practical samples that layout the actual day-to-day details of custody arrangements.

He respected my wishes and diligently fought for what I asked and WON!!!

— Tonya

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Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law

With the help of volunteers, the Center provides free family law assistance and legal education to the poor. They strive to empower people in need and assure them meaningful access to the courts.

California Child Support Guideline Calculator

Based on California Child Support Guidelines, and can be used to estimate the amount of child support that may be ordered in your case. This calculator provides only an estimate: the Court Commissioner or Family Law Judge has the final authority to determine the amount of a child support order.